Thursday, November 30, 2006

what's it all about?

A discussion with a friend inspired me to have a go at making things out of recycled materials to:

1) have fun creating things
2) raise awareness about the things we can do to help the environment
3) help the environment

Let's see how it goes...


shadows and clouds said...

what a total star!!!! this is so exciting, i too was having the recycled creativity brainstorm, check out my recycled challenge on my blog! hugs!!!

janie said...

this is a brilliant idea, I've just been doing a bit of spring cleaning and found that I have been hoarding all sorts of stuff, you know, pretty wrapping paper, shells, cutouts from magazines, bottles,fabric sample books,that kind of thing.Well after reading your blog I've decided to create at least one something for nothing a week to recycle all my crap!