Sunday, June 03, 2007

say no to plastic!

Here's a simple and excellent habit to get into. Carry a foldable cloth bag with you so wherever you go, so that when you next buy something, or go food shopping, and they try to foist a plastic bag on you, you can say no!

Cloth bags can be found on sale all over the place, or why not make your own? Go to this fantastic site for information on sociable guerilla bagging. It even includes a pattern and simple instructions for making your own. And never fear, the bag IS strong enough to hold your shopping. The bags made from this pattern have been tested on bottles of wine.

As for me, a very good friend gave me this lovely bag which not only saves the earth or innocent sea animals from choking on plastic, but draws compliments from all who see it....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

nothing new here

Yes, I'm afraid there isn't anything new here. After looking into crafty projects I could undertake using recycled materials, I realised it would be harder than I thought, mainly because:

1) many projects require one to have collected a large quantity of a specific type of material (eg. tin cans, or bottle tops, or stamps, or brown envelopes or white envelopes etc) persistently and diligently, over a long period of time before one can make something impressive with said material

2) many projects require a skill which I don't have and currently don't have the time to learn, for example, carpentry, knitting, sewing, metal working, welding, etc.

3) following on from above, these specific skills also require certain equipment which I don't have, nor the space to put them even if I happened to acquire them somehow by accident.

I'm sorry if this sounds like an excuse, but just look at some of the recycled art and craft projects there are out there and you'll see what I mean. The best I could do is papier mache with old newspapers, but we don't even buy newspapers anymore (read them online), so we'd be buying newspapers just so I could make papier mache creations out of them. Not really recycling, eh? So for the time being, there won't be any new projects on this blog. Sorry.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sweet filters

You know those cellophane sweet wrappers that come off chocolates like those from a Quality Street box of goodies? Well, don't throw them away! They come in all kinds of colours and you can use them as impromptu camera lens filters. Granted, you have to hold them in front of the lens but hey, it's free and you don't add more plastic to a landfill site!

Here's an example. Dreamy effect, don't you think? No photoshop required!